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We're So Glad You're Here

At Abiding Savior, we see faith as a journey where we learn and live and love. Church is not a guilt trip. Come along with us and learn the greatest lesson there is: that you are special to God.

Small Groups

We want church to be a place where your entire family is encouraged to draw closer to Christ. We do this in many ways at Abiding Savior, one of which is through small groups. There are several offerings available.

Sunday Morning Bible Study.JPG
Sunday Bible Study

Every Sunday morning at 9am, before the Worship Service, we offer a Bible Study led by Tomas Joseph (pictured, left of the television). Reach him here:

Table Talk

Once a week, six to 10 people gather at a member’s house for a potluck dinner and to go through different books. Examples of previous books covered include “The Parables of Jesus”, “Practice of the Presence of God” by brother Lawrence. We also have a time to pray and get to know each other.

Thursday Night Men's Group

We meet once a week, every Thursday, at 7pm, as a social gathering for support, questions & answers concerns, curiosities, things about the bible. It's not a bible study, per say, but a group for Christian growth. Our group leader is Lew Moyer. For questions, reach him here:

© 2024 Abiding Savior Lutheran Church | Tempe, AZ

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